Édition 2023 31 March 2023 - 11h38


The Transat Jacques Vabre Normandy Le Havre 2023 see four classes racing, Class40s, the Ocean Fiftys, the Imocas and the Ultims.
Underlining the importance and the profile of the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandy Le Havre in the world of ocean racing, the Ultim trimarans will be now also muster in Le Havre this Autumn to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Coffee Route and compete on this renowned double handed race across the Atlantic. Already more than 100 boats are expected in Le Havre from Friday, October 20 when the race village opens.

The organisers of the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandy Le Havre had kept the door open for the Ultims. The notice of race was drawn up on the basis of the presence of 3 declared classes (Class40, Ocean Fifty, Imoca. Also, on the request of the Ultim 32/23 Class, the organization are pleased to welcome the giant multihulls to the starting line of this 16th edition of the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandy Le Havre.

Patricia Brochard, President of the Ultim 32/23 Class: "The Ultim 32/23 Class is pleased to include on its members' sports program the participation in the Transat Jacques Vabre, a biannual double-handed transatlantic race which has run since 1993. The link between big multihulls and this ocean racing is historic and in the DNA of this major ocean racing event. The big trimarans have been at this rendezvous in Le Havre, from the first edition, back when it was raced solo. All team owners and our sailors are delighted be coming to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Transat Jacques Vabre with the other offshore racing classes.


As was the case in 2021, the organizers are offering a different course for each class for the 2023 edition. This allows the finishes into Martinique to happen around the same time further affirming the multi-class aspect of the Coffee Route which has specific classifications by class. 
The Ultims will sail south where, after crossing the Doldrums and the equator, they will have to leave the island of San Pedro Paolo to port before descending towards a mark located north of Ascension Island in the middle of the Atlantic, left to starboard. The competitors will make their way to the finish line in Martinique, taking advantage of the southern hemisphere trade winds, crossing the equator and the Doldrums a second time. The distance of this course is approximately 7,000 nautical miles. 

"This course respects the markers of the Transat Jacques Vabre: a passage through the Doldrums in the southern hemisphere, and a substantial race duration, of a fortnight, which guarantees both the requirement of the Coffee Route and equal finish times between the main classes." explains Gildas Gautier, general manager of the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandy Le Havre.
In Le Havre, the Ultims will be moored as in 2021, in the Eure basin and at the finish, the reception structures set up by Martinique, Destination Partner, will allow all competitors to be received in complete safety. 

The start of the 2023 Coffee Route will be given on October 29 and the arrivals scheduled from November 12 in Martinique.


Charles Caudrelier, skipper of the Maxi Edmond de Rothschild, winner in Ultim of the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandy Le Havre 2021: "The Transat Jacques Vabre is one of my favorite races! It was on this event that I cut my teeth offshore, first in a monohull then in a multihull, and that I was able to obtain some of my greatest victories. It is therefore with great pleasure and a lot of desire that we will be on the starting line at the end of October with the Maxi Edmond de Rothschild. I say it often but the course, like the double-handed format, allows us to exploit our machines to their maximum potential, which always leads to some high-flying fights on the water. And that is exactly what we seek in our discipline, confrontation and sport. With the Gitana Team, we are delighted to be able to go and defend our title in Ultim on this great event and to take part in the celebration of the 30th anniversary of this great race.”


They want to start the Transat Jacques Vabre Normandie Le Havre 2023: Actual Ultim 3, Maxi Banque Populaire XI, Maxi Edmond de Rothschild, Sodebo Ultim 3 and Trimaran SVR-LAZARTIGUE.
